Climate change is making rice less nutritious, which has put millions of people in danger
Rice primary food source for around three billion people worldwide. Different types of proteins, cereals, fruits and vegetables can not differentiate between different types of nutritious food. They depend heavily on grain grain crops, including rice for most of their calories.
My research focuses on the health risks related to climate change and change. We conducted research in the field for analysis of protein, vitamin B maikroniutrentasa and level change in the growing concentration environment of carbon dioxide for tea line over jenetikalibha in Asia.
Our data showed that for the first time the synthesis of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is expected to reach the world's prototype bijatattbabidara four major Vitamin B lower-level kilometers 100. These results support research from other regional studies, such as low protein, iron and jing, which are important in the field of embryonic and first aid. As a result of these changes, there may be insufficient impact on the poor and child health of the country, including Cambodia and Cambodia.
Plants get carbon from carbon dioxide to grow mainly from carbon dioxide, and attracts other essential nutrients on the soil. Human activities - mainly burning fossil fuels and deforestation - the earlier industrial period, 280 million to 410 parts per million sensresana, about one million pounds from elevated atmospheric CO2. If global emissions rate continues on their current path, then atmospheric CO2 sensation can reach 1,200 (including methane and other greenhouse gas emissions) up to 1,200.
High concentrations of CO2 are usually stimulated by the light and synthesis of plants.
The solidarity of human health, especially the important minerals for iron and jing, does not change together with CO2 synthesis.
After more than a decade of decline, global hunger has increased steadily, which affects 11% of the world population. Credit: FAO, CC BY-ND After more than a decade of decline, global hunger has increased steadily, which affects 11% of the world population. Credit: FAO, CC BY-ND.
The importance of micronutrients Around the world, approximately 815 million people worldwide are uncertain, which means they do not have reliable access to safe, nutritious and economical food. Even more people - about two billion - are the weaknesses of vital micro nutrients like iron, iodine and jing.
Inadequate diet can be a lack of iron anemia, a condition where there is very little blood cells for carrying oxygen in the body. This is the most common type of anemia. It can cause fatigue, breathing or chest pain, and can cause complex complications such as heart disease and delay in development in children.
Zinc deficit is characterized by reducing appetite and reducing odor, losing wound healing, and weakened immune function. Zinc increases and supports development, so adequate dietary importance is important for pregnant women and growing children.
Better carbon synthesis of the plant reduces the amount of nitrogen in the tissues, which is important for B vitamins.
We completed our regional research in China and Japan, where we increase the different strains of rice out. For replicating high atmospheric CO2 Ghanatbake, we have used CO 2 enarikasamenta in the free air, which is expected to be included in the field to complete the next century CO2. The control area experiences similar conditions compared to high CO2-density.
On average, we have been planted CO2 seeds in the air in the air for the roof, the present CO2 has been planted in the center of rice, at least 17% of vitamin B1, 17% less vitamin B2 (Riboflavin); 13% less vitamin B5 (pentoffish acid); And 30% less vitamin B9 (fleet). Our studies show that vitamin D reduces the density of vitamin D with CO 2.
We found 10% of the average size in protein, eight percent of iron and five percent in zinc. We did not get any changes in vitamin B6 or calcium levels. We found that only one increase was that Vitamin E was the level for most strains.
Rice, area under the astakadbara planned expansion in rice under various atmospheric conditions is a test part. Parts of carbon dioxide per million 590 568 in contact with rice mixture are less nutritious, protein, vitamins and mineral content. Picture Credit: Dr. Tonsihiro Hesgawa, Japan's National Agricultural and Food Research Institute, CC BY-ND
Rice, area under the astakadbara planned expansion in rice under various atmospheric conditions is a test part. Parts of carbon dioxide per million 590 568 in contact with rice mixture are less nutritious, protein, vitamins and mineral content. Picture Credit: Dr. Tonsihiro Hesgawa, Japan's National Agricultural and Food Research Institute, CC BY-ND
Micro nutrient vulnerability
Currently, about 600 million people - mostly in Southeast Asia - and half of their daily calories from rice directly animals themselves If nothing is done, then we will lose the overall burden of nutrition by looking at that decline. They can affect the development of childhood primarily through those effects, which include bad reactions from diarrhea and malaria.
The risks associated with the least stimulated nutritional deficiencies against CO2-possible health person presentations associated with gross domestic direct. This means that there are serious potential consequences of such changes for the country facing poverty and illiteracy.
How can another plant affect climate change?
For CO2, the change is a significant effect, in which medicines are available from plant nutrition, food safety and food allergies. There is a clear and urgent need to invest in this study, which could potentially have an effect.Increasing Ca 2 due to climate change is centralized.
Christie Ebi, Professor of World Health and Environment and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington
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