Sarah Palin says she was betrayed by the true Baron Cohen for the show 'Who Has America'.

American politician Sarah Palin claimed that he was "duped" by Sacha Baron Kohl as being interviewed for America's upcoming Showtime series? In a Facebook post on Tuesday, former Republican vice-presidential candidate, he agreed to speak to Cohen that he thought he was a wounded fest.

Who is America? Premiere will be premiered on 15th of July, and it will be like Baron Cohen's Ali Zee Show. An ensemble cast of British seated comedian actor featured in actors including actress, wannabe gangster Ali G, Kazakh reporter Borat Sagdiyev and gay Austrian fashion entrepreneur Brüno Gehard. Cohen will pretend to be one of these characters and interviewed popular figures including official officials, asking their ridiculous and foreign questions. Baron-Cohen has indicated that the new show will take the United States President Donald Trump and current administration in the country.

Paulin said in the post that he and his daughter were "victims of bureau-cohen's hunt". Yes - we were deceived. Yes, I got it, now I feel good now? "He wrote." I supported British British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, bad, miserable, ill-humored 'CBS / Show Times, and added a long list of American public personalities. Sponsored victims. "

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