No distastepy nightmare: Why thousands of Swedes themselves are putting their own microchips voluntarily
In Sweden, thousands of people have entered Microchips, which can work as a contactless credit card, key card, and even rail card in their body. Once there is a chip under your skin, there is no need to worry about carrying a card or carrying heavy wallet. But for many people, the idea of ​​carrying a microchip in their body seems more distant than practical.
Some suggested that Sweden's strong welfare state may be the reason for this recent trend. But in reality, there are approximately 3,500 Sweden reserves, compared to the factors behind them, from which you can expect to be more complicated. This event shows Sweden's unique biohocking scene. If you look at the bottom of the surface, defender love with everything in Sweden is far more deeper than these microchips.
The word biology refers to the biologist who practices experimental biological treatment, but outside of traditional institutions such as universities, medical organizations, and other scientifically controlled environments. Computer Hackers Computer Hack, Some Organic Organic Hacks Hack
Biohaking is a culture and in different ways with different subdivisions as well as with different interests, goals and ideologies. But there are two major groups in this type: "Wet Hacker" and Transhumanist.
Internal hacker citizen science Horobi biologist who makes laboratory equipment in household utensils. They run the so-called "fascinating science", where they find affordable solutions that improve the quality of life for people's development. But they also work on the experiments of other players where the plants are genetically modified to be fluorescent, or starch is used to make new types of beer.
Other groups of transhumanist who focus on improving and improving human body for long time for human development. Only by improving yourself - without biological limitations - people will be able to compete with AI in the future.
Often, different biking scenes show different societies and cultures that they develop. Therefore, for example, European bioerers are usually different from their North American counterparts. The North American group deals with the development of alternative health care practices. Meanwhile, the European team is more focused on helping people in developing countries or finding ways to connect with artistic bi-projects.
But Swedish bioaking culture is actually different from the rest of Europe. Swedish bioakers are usually part of the transhumanist movement. And it's Transhumanstick - or more clearly "guilder" subgroup - those thumbs in Sweden and thousands have been inserted in Sweden NFC chips. These are the same microchips that have been used in cattle and package tracks for decades.
What about Sweden?
So why is Sweden so happy to put microchips in their body? One theory is that the Swedish community is more interested in sharing their personal information due to the structure of the Swedish social security system.
This story of "full Sweden", which relies on the government and Sweden's National Institute, is an extraordinary - also mentioned by Sweden's Foreign Affairs Ministry. If this is part of the explanation, then it is not completely true. More confidently convinced that in Sweden, people have firm belief in digital. The Swedish people have the confidence of potential potential depth of technology.
In the last two decades, the Swedish government has invested heavily in the technology framework - and it shows. The Swedish economy is now primarily based on the development of digital exports, digital services and digital technologies. And Sweden has become one of the world's most successful countries to create and export digital products. Notable companies like Skype and Spitiff were established in Sweden.
A belief in digital technology and its possible perception strongly influenced Swedish culture. And transhumanstick movement has been designed on this. In fact, Sweden played an important role in the formation of secular ideology. The Global Transvaanist base has been co-founded by Nick Bostrom of Sweden in 1998 + Humanity. Since then, many people have been strongly convinced that Sweden should try to improve its development and its biological organization.
So the world mourns on the number of Swedish Microchipeds, so we have to use this opportunity to create a unique picture of Swedish digital photography. After all, this latest event makes Sweden very special in Sweden, which is just a revelation of a personal belief.
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