Priyanka Chopra's cast, dinner and audition going to 'Quantico'

ASEM summit chabbara Priyanka Chopra, The story of 'Global ikredibala Bollywood Star' is the emergence of devotion to the dark star film stars Priyanka Chopra and the other unauthorized biography of the producer. The origin of Chopra's book through American television and the origin of koyantikora cabbara middle class for the development of global staradama reveals. Title, how chabba Chopra manager, Anjula Acharya, edited this deal, which has made a domestic name Hindi film actor in America.

However, when asked why he was considering television to be his first acting car in the United States, he was a pat answer. 'Wherever I go I want to take my work, I am able to tell world-wide entertainment, stories around the world'

There was something between the ABC executive of the KDL ABC Executive who was with Anjula. Born in Korea, when he came to the US at the age of two. "In the United States, as well as growing up in a small Korean woman, I learned about American culture by watching a TV show," Kelly told pharabesa. "At this time there was very little variety in television and nobody saw me on television like me or my family."

Possible actors of different countries, and their team winner lupita aaskara Nyong'o (12 years a slave), Golden Globe winner Guinea Rodriguez (Jane Virginie), Jesse Williams (Gray's ayantomi), Randall Park (fresh from boat), Chadwick Satsman (Leading Marvel Black Panthera), and Cornelius Smith Jr. (Scandal). Some brain-based multicultural diversity halls are television sandra oh (gray anatomy), sophia bheragara (modern family) and Kerry washington (scandal).

Kelly thinks dinner in 2012 and makes that rare invention. "Even in Hollywood, every day that such a global superstar does not go to a room like Priyanka," he told Forbes. I knew he was ABC. '

Kili and Anjula are in touch, Priyanka is shooting for her photo in India. The conversation went on for some time and, finally, Porter Anjanake Chopra went to India to talk more with. Kalike Priyanka's clear set of Vanity Fair, he said, "I did not do the right thing to do this for doing this," he said, "so I told him, the only way is that if I have a show what I do And find the way that will take me into the situation that I am in India. '

In December 2014, Priyanka Group announced that they have signed a year's TV development contract with ABC. Later, Sheila Mike commented that her February 2014 film New York Times could be broadcast on ABC contract. "I told enjula after the article came out, ABC and Fox have used the article as a bargaining chip," Sheila said. "They have to compete with Priyanka for a development agreement, and suddenly there's a big time next to the" style section "that this woman in America. "Anjula presented the article," O New York Times, do you want to sign a development agreement with them? "

One year contract means that ABC will develop a project for Priyankar or throw it on the existing project. Twenty-five scripts were sent to Priyanka on textbooks. He chose four people and said that Quantico is their highest choice. And later, he said that it was ABC's top choice.

Quintino was created by Joshua Seferon, whose previous work shows Hit Gossip Girl (CW Network) and Smash (NBC). In September 2014, commercial publications announced that Safran has signed an agreement with ABC for Quantico at the show. The show meets Homamand Gray's Anatomy. This show was started in a group of various FBI archives around the world to become a special FBI agent in the company's academy Quantico in Virginia. The show was designed to include viewers by giving potential sources of terrorist.

Joshua can partly tell a CIA agent, or his impression partner, about the family member. But while writing for the show, Alex Parish - Priyanka Chopra plays the role - cocaine male character. "Well, of course," Eric DeGiansa, National Public Radio, TV critic (NPR) says that when I mentioned that Alex will become a white man in the parish. Erie spoke to me from her office in Florida. His articles often focus on ethnicity and diversity in American media. He said, 'every good part starts with a white man.'

And then the day came when Priyanka attended the role of Joshua Safan and producer Mark Gordon for the role. This is the first fashion star, Bluffmaster! And friendly is going to audition for a role. He was wearing a designer costume and took a fashionable handbag. Joshua was confused - not sure which character he was going to read. "He went into the room, and this molecule is like a transfer that was like a superstar," he remembered in an interview with the New York Times. "I was very confused because I did not know who he was, but we all have become a striker."

The idea of ​​Joshua Parish of Joshua was hard work by the tragedy. They are not imagined as a bunker in Alex. But in meeting Priyanka, she understood that Alex could also feel the sense of humor and heart. 'What were we talking about,' is he not able to play this regular person? "Producer Mark Gordon told the Times." We quickly realized that he is a great star at international level, but he is quite regular. "

Although Priyanka found in South Asia, the producers of Quantos showed them through extensive accent training. They tried to enter India, that was a lot of controversy, ridicule and ridicule.

People receive pronunciation for various reasons. In Priyanka's case, the reason is because she lived in the United States as a teenager, she used to sing in English, like the Americans. Now this major role in a television show is that it needs to talk like an American. But sadly, their Indian critics were unpredictable.

Priyanka was clear that recognized training was difficult for her, especially her rolling, as Americans continued to work. And its harsh hit while criticizing India, he made it a joke.

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