There are many errors in the UN Human Rights Council - but on the move, the US has made things worse
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United Nations Ambassador Human Rights Council Nikki Halli and US Secretary of State Mike Pompey also announced that they will return from the United Nations Human Rights Council.
Thus, they claim that the Council was barrier to the protection of human rights around the world. This step has been estimated by the Trump administration for some time. In a sense, elephants left the room. But if this is done, then the cat is running a cat with many serious problems regarding the Human Rights Council.
What is the decision of international human rights protection of the United States? What is it that a member of the 2018-2020 Human Rights Council should abide by?
The United Nations Human Rights Council was established in the year 1947 to 2006, instead of the United Nations Human Rights Committee. At the time of his death, the Commission criticized all parties for being politically informal.
47 seats of the council are divided into the following five public United Nations: Africa (13); Asia (13); Latin America and the Caribbean (8); Western Europe and others (7); Eastern Europe (6). The United States (and Australia) is known in Western Europe and another group, WEOG.
One-third of the Council's elected by the United Nations General Assembly every year and the members work for three years. No member can meet more than two conditions. A member of the United Nations Secretary-General can be suspended from two-thirds of the vote. Libya was suspended in 2011 in the absence of Muammar Gaddafi on demonstrators and armed insurgents in the Arab Spring. No other member has been suspended.
The Human Rights Council completes three times a year for approximately 10 weeks. Their 38th session has just begun. This one-day member combines one-day special session with the initiative. So far, 28 special sessions have been organized.Announcement about the rights of indigenous people in 2007
The council specifically allows independent investigations into human rights, such as thesis (focusing on issues of human rights such as torture or LGBTI rights) or more controversial on a particular state. There were 46 thematic mandates during writing and there were mandates for this special special representative of 12 countries.
The American accusations against the Human Rights Council are linked to their members' human rights record, and its politically motivated character. Instead of this problem has been examined below.
Membership criteria are very soft because they are standing: The candidates pledge the highest standards of human rights, and while voting, the state should consider the nominated human rights record. These two rules are basically continuing.
When the Human Rights Council was formed, the human rights standard was considered a condition for membership. However, about 200 members of the United Nations can not agree on the main honor as a separate opinion of human rights. Focusing on the implementation of economic and social rights can be expelled from the United States's own merit.
In any case, the respective ranks of "measurements" and human rights records among states are controversial. If compared to both states, it can easily be judged as to what is good or bad, it is an unconditional practice in the United Nations membership.
Why the Human Rights Council is afraid of Israel? Initially, Israel violated human rights violations in serious human rights, which is condemned by the Human Rights Council, it is strange to suggest that the Israeli Pumpo "is not guilty of any crime". The bias of the Human Rights Council does not mean that the content of its critics is wrong. Palestinian demonstrators will soon become increasingly important in the ongoing business of Palestine as a result of more than 50 years of murders, targeted killings, illegal land, extortion, war, Gaza blockade and most fundamental.
Nevertheless, the human rights council of any country does not explain the abusive psychology of the Human Rights Council, other states have little attention to it.
The aggressive supporters of Israel often oppose that anti-bias is inspired by anti-nationalism. Although such inspiration can not be sacked, yet another reason is that this event is likely to be a driving force. Simplifying "Judaism" anti-imperial "imperialist" equation
There are many enemies of Israel in the situation of the United Nations. Some people are illegally established in Arabia (Palestine) and believe that they have not accepted the right to exist. The Islamic Cooperation Organization has made diplomatic pressure to tolerate Israel as much as possible. As an agency of Islamic Cooperation Organization, two large United Nations groups traveling in Africa and Asia, important groups can rely on solidarity to support their initiative.
However, the condemnation of Tibet - such as Tibet, Kurd, West Papuana, Tamil or important clues not found - are unable to attract the same character in the Human Rights Council.
One difference is that the Palestinian territories are not considered legal by any other state by Israel, for example the sovereignty of China in West Papua, Tibet or Indonesian sovereignty.
In fact, the growing majority of the states recognize the diplomatic conditions occupying the Palestinian state and the United Nations General Assembly voted in 2012 to recognize Palestine as a non-member state.
Residents may feel secure even when Israel is very kind in the attack. Although misuse of human rights is unfortunately normal, the "consumer" situation is rare. Indeed, Israel is sometimes seen as a resident of colonial, and its work violates the rights of self-sufficiency in the United Nations Charter.
But Israel is not the sole owner. Morocco has extended [Western Sahara] long, but on this condition, the world muted is relatively comparatively comparisons.
Especially in the United States, Israel is seen as a snake for the West. The United States, like Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador and Russia, want to see the United States as an American state in the Middle East and use it accordingly.
Gathered with Israeli biased representation of Israeli support of Israel against winds such as the United States and Australia. For example, America is naturally convinced that the recent border killings were justified. The last explosion of Gaza (2009 and 2012) has provoked Israel's right to self-defense in the interests of Australia. But legitimate defense of self defense can still use illegal, ineffective or unnecessary force for illegal use.
Regardless of its effect, the estimated bias of HRC against Israel is adverse. It also provides with a ready argument to reject legitimate condemnation of Israel, thus providing cover for human rights violations. Actually, collectivity (outside and outside the United Nations) has become an influential part of the pre-narrative between the two parties, which is focusing on the main category activities. None of these results are useful for all people in Israel and Palestinian areas, who want to develop human rights in human rights.
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